Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Removing acne scars

« ...Cystic acne on first glance may look similar to nodular acne. The difference is that unlike nodular acne, cystic acne is pus-filled. So it is important that before starting up the treatment for acne it should b identified from a specialist what form of acne is their to be treated. This ensures a speedy treatment and recovery and also avoids further complication....
...Keep yourself happy- Stressing over the whole situation would only make your condition worse and would not do any good to you. You see stressing over it releases the stress hormone cortisol which increases the severity of your acne therefore it's strongly recommended that you change your mental attitude and be as positive as possible....»
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«...The first tip for getting rid of acne scars is stopping acne before it gets out of control. Most people want to stop scarring but then they have lots of acne still. Well before you can really get rid of those scars you must stop pimples before there arrival. This does not mean popping all your pimples. Popping pimples or rubbing your face or touching your acne makes it more severe. Bacteria from your hands feed the acne and popping the pimple is what causes the scar. If your acne is mild or moderate than pursue treatment immediately and aggressively before it gets worse....»
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tags: acne best medication, what is cystic acne, cystic acne

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